Oh my goodness this resonates with me so much! I sat in a meeting early this summer about the co-op we had been a part of moving towards a “micro school” format. The moms in the room were more concerned about whether their charter school would pay for the classes and if the teachers would be providing grades than enjoying learning alongside their kids. I felt like a complete outsider in that room. It seems like the upcoming homeschool moms don’t really want to homeschool but they don’t want to put their kids in school, so they justify a hybrid school as homeschooling. It broke my heart and after reading this I realize that it’s happening everywhere. What a beautiful gift it is to teach our kids! I love your words of wisdom Brenda… so much truth. Thanks for taking the time to write this.

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Michelle, yes! It's hard to see. I used to feel like homeschoolers, at least, were a group of people who didn't see their children as a burden. But now, it seems like homeschoolers have joined the masses of people who the memes are about--who are glad when summer is over and they get a "break" from their kids. Those memes are so painful to read! Imagine how the kids feel about them, too. :( I am SO grateful for the time I have had with my kids. We have made precious memories and we have connected in ways that I think we would have missed out on if I had just dropped them off everywhere.

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